Social responsability
Service learning (sl)
The Social Responsibility Programme is one of the strategic goals of Mar Nursing School (ESIMar). The Programme was launched in 2015 with the aim of becoming an instrument to enable the development of the social dimension of university education at the School, and to implement new forms of partnership with the social fabric around us.
At an educational level, the teaching method used in this respect is that of service learning (SL), as it opens up the possibility of carrying out teaching projects that involve civic and social engagement. The aim is to create a space for the construction of knowledge through reflection, intervention and involvement with vulnerable and excluded social groups.
The purpose that underpins this programme is to create spaces for interaction between institutions in various fields in order to enable students of the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing to nurture a more active civic commitment to society, developing values and attitudes of solidarity, sensitivity and social responsibility while at the same time acquiring the professional competencies integral to nursing. Simultaneously, the students put their knowledge and skills at the service of disadvantaged people, and this makes for nursing learning and practice in a framework of reciprocity.
We aim to 'get the classroom out into the streets', detect real needs, design and offer a professional service with structured learning goals, and create partnership networks with organisations and institutions that do social work with disadvantaged people.
The programme includes a number of projects that meet concrete and real health needs, detected and agreed jointly in close cooperation between the School and the social organisations.
The underlying regulatory framework of this programme is:
- United Nations Global Compact / principled leadership
- United Nations 2030 Agenda
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
- University Social Responsibility (USR): PSMAR CSR report 2017
It is also based on the following theoretical framework:
- Social inequalities in health
- Social determinants of health
- Gender mainstreaming
- Transformative paradigm of nursing
- Ethics of care
- Service learning (SL)
Declaration of the Catalan Universities Service Learning Network ApS(U)CAT
- Head of Social Responsibility
Lourdes Mestre Camps
Telephone: +34 93 248 38 58
Office: 61.320 (3ª planta)
University Campus Mar