Academic Management Service

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Academic Management Service

The Academic Management Service of the Escola Superior d'Infermeria Hospital del Mar (ESIHMar) takes care of the planning and coordination of all academic and administrative processes that arise during the students' academic life.

Make an appointment with the Academic Management Service through the following link (ESIHMar students only):

Appointments Escola Superior de Enfermería Hospital del Mar

Administrative processes

The delivery time for documents is 7 business days from the fees' payment. Please be aware that during enrollment weeks, this period may be affected.

Request your certificate

For further information, you can contact us:

Phone: 93 248 39 32 

Judit Boluña Álvarez Iris Bosch Andolz David Grau Nieto     

Anna López Cortina

Mar Noble Martos
Quality technician Head of academic administration User service Master’s program service Clinical Practice’s service
jboluna(ELIMINAR) ibosch(ELIMINAR) dgrau(ELIMINAR) alopezc(ELIMINAR) mnoblem(ELIMINAR)