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Do you want to work on your PhD with us? Now it's possible!

Joining a doctorate program is always an important decision that will fill some years of your life. If you enjoy research and want to delve deeper into different areas of Health, from a Nursing perspective, to help grow and improve knowledge in different areas of this field, we encourage you to pre-register.

We offer you a placement in the Ph.D. Programme in Medicine and Life Sciences (MELIS) of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in the Social Determinants and Health Education Research Group (SDHEd) within the program of Epidemiology and Public Health (EPISAP) of the Hospital del Mar Research Institute. Nurses who are working in the clinic can apply for the doctorate part-time.

UPF is a leading research university, recognized as the first Spanish university according to the Times Higher Education Indicator, and is a leading university in quality scientific production.

The two main areas of research of the SDHEd research group are:

1) Social Determinants and Health Inequalities - Social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age, and are the result of the unequal distribution of money, power, and resources causing inequalities in health. Some of the lines of research are:

- Job insecurity and health impact / health inequalities

- Gender and health

- Migrations

2) Innovation in health education. - Educational and learning activities are one of the pillars of the group, with a clear intention of transferring knowledge toward BS in Nursing, Masters's and postgraduate programs, and continuous learning of professionals and users / families. Some of the lines of research are:

- School health

- New teaching methodologies

- Personalization of learning

Access requirements:

- Hold 300 ECTS (240 degree + 60 official Master's degree or 180 diploma + 120 official Master's degree) accredited or approved in natural or medical sciences or quantitative sciences.

- Level of English (B2)

- Level of Spanish or Catalan (B2)

More detailed information can be found on the UPF website.

Do you want more information?

Contact us

Masters and PhD programmes coordinator

Mireia Julià Pérez


Phone: 93 248 39 65