Reflective Practice in Mental Health Nursing Research Group (PRISMe)
- Title: "Unconditional acceptance of the person with mental health problems by the nurse: Exploring what it means in the process of the therapeutic relationship"
- Principal researcher: Gemma Cardó Vila
- Research team: Andrea Aznar Huerta, Juan Manuel Leyva Moral, Antonio Rafael Moreno Poyato, Maria Rosario Valera Fernández, Teresa Vives Abril
- Funding body: Nurses Association of Barcelona (COIB) FoundationReferència /nº expedient: PR-339/2019
- Reference / dossier No.: PR-339/2019
- Start date: 1 January 2020
- End date: 31 December 2023
- Total funding for project: €5,214
- Title: "Unconditional acceptance of the person with mental health problems by the nurse: Exploring what it means in the process of the therapeutic relationship"
- Principal researcher: Gemma Cardó Vila
- Research team: Andrea Aznar Huerta, Juan Manuel Leyva Moral, Antonio Rafael Moreno Poyato, Maria Rosario Valera Fernández, Teresa Vives Abril
- Funding body: sponsored by Caja Cantabria Management Foundation: own funds; projects; IDIVAL (2019)
- Reference / dossier No.: ENFVAL19/05
- Start date: 10 October 2019
- End date: 10 October 2021
- Total funding for project: €4,000
- Title: "The therapeutic nurse-patient relationship in an intrahospital emergency department: A grounded theory"
- Principal researcher: Ana Celia Codina RodríguezEquip investigador: Antonio Rafael Moreno Poyato, Juan Manuel Leyva Moral, Silvia Esteban Sepúlveda.
- Research team: Antonio Rafael Moreno Poyato, Juan Manuel Leyva Moral, Silvia Esteban Sepúlveda
- Funding body: Nurses Association of Barcelona
- Reference / dossier No.: PR-340/2019
- Start date: 1 January 2020
- End date: 1 January 2023
- Total funding for project: €3,465