Price, discounts and scholarships


Euros/ECTS: 95 €
ESIHMar’s fees: 125 €
UPF’s fees: 200 €/60 crèdits matriculats
Insurance: 1,12 €
Total price 6.026,12 €

Request information


BSN students who can prove any of the following conditions will obtain a discount and/or bonus in the tuition fee:

  • General large family
  • Special large family
  • People with disabilities equal to or greater than 33%
  • Victims of terrorist acts
  • Victims of gender violence within the couple
  • Workers of the Consorci Parc de Salut Mar de Barcelona - 5% off

Application must include accrediting documents.

Discounts are not cumulative. The highest discount rate will be applied.

1. General scholarships for students studying post-compulsory education (GRAL)

General scholarships for students studying post-compulsory education (GRAL)

2. Basque Government General Scholarship for University Students (GRAL)

Basque Government General Scholarship

3. Grants for university students from affiliated centres (ACA)

Grants for university students from affiliated centres (ACA)    

4. Study grants programme

Escola Superior d'Infermeria Hospital del Mar issues the call for application for study and grants for the 2023-2024 academic year. The programme is addressed to:

Modality A:

Third and fourth-year students of Mar Nursing School who are registered in the official Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing course, have studied at Escola Superior d'Infermeria Hospital del Mar for the least one academic year, have a good academic record, and are in one of the following circumstances:

  • Household income below threshold 5 as established in the call for applications for Escola Superior d'Infermeria Hospital del Mar study grants in 2022
  • Economic difficulties brought about by a situation occurring during the final term of 2022 and during 2023 that seriously affects the household economy.

Modality B:

Undergraduate students enrolled in any year of Escola Superior d'Infermeria Hospital del Mar who hold an accredited long-term medical leave (longer than 3 months) during the 2022-2023 academic year, and can prove it has prevented them from performing and pass the entire course and number of required credits of one or more subjects. In these cases, the aid will be attached to the number of credits that have not been able to be enrolled in.

Master's and postgraduate programmes are excluded, as well as continuing training carried out entirely at Escola Superior d'Infermeria Hospital del Mar or in partnership with different institutions.

The amount of the grant will cover part of the cost of the registered credits in the established order of priority and as the Commission sees fit, considering the number of applications received and the limited funds available.

In order to establish the order of priority among those applications that fulfil the requirements, the following criteria will be taken into account:

  1. Economic situation of the student's household
  2. Student's academic record
  3. Written statement by the student
  4. Report by the student's tutor

Fulfilment of the conditions and requirements set forth in the call for applications does not necessarily imply the awarding of a grant, which is subject to the available budget.

Information on public scholarships

Information on public scholarships Universitat Pompeu Fabra

The Escola Superior d'Infermeria Hospital del Mar is a center affiliated to the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. ESIHMar's students are not eligible for specific UPF scholarships, but the university offers in the website which public grants they are eligible for.