SDHEd - Publicaciones
Articulos y revisiones de literatura
Gilaberte-Martínez E, De Pedro-Herrero I, Lara M, Bueno-López E, Santidrian-Tudanca E, Escuriet R, Palau-Costafreda R, Rodríguez-Coll P. WeBirth Study: Diseño del Cuestionario para Evaluar la Experiencia del Parto en Agua (CEEPA). Dialnet. 2024; Volumen 25:2696-6328.
Badarin K, Mangot-Sala L, Matilla Santander N, Kreshpaj B, Hernando Rodríguez JC, Aronsson AE, Kvart S, Thern E, Gunn V, Ostergren PO, Julià M, Baron S, Muntaner C, Wegman, DH, Bodin T. Precarious employment, strenuous working conditions and the long-term risk of diagnosed chronic musculoskeletal disorders. Occup Environ Med 2024;0:1-8 doi: 10.1136/oemed-2024-109867
Carreras Carbonell MX, Pedreira Robles G, Bach Pascual A, Pérez Sáez MJ, Redondo Pachón D, Crespo Barrio M, Padrosa Sayeras E. Análisis sociodemográfico, clínico, de fragilidad y complicaciones pos-donación en candidatos a donantes de riñón: estudio descriptivo de cohorte retrospectivo. Enferm Nefrol 2024;27(4):306-13.
Rota-Musolla L, Palomar-Aumatella X, Mondéjar-Ponta M, Pedreira-Robles G, Cazorla-Calderona S, Subirana-Casacuberta M. Diseño y consenso Delphi sobre un cuestionario de información, conocimientos y promoción del trasplante renal de donante vivo. Enferm Clin. 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2024.10.010
Andújar C, Chica A, Fairén M, García Ò, Nieto J, Tortosa S, Insa-Calderón E. A highly-configurable session designer for VR nursing training. Heliyon. 2024;10(22). doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e39692
Sillero Sillero A, Ayuso Margañon R, Marques-Sule E, Gil Poisa M. Child-centered care: A qualitative study exploring pediatric hospitalization through children's perspectives. Nursing Reports. 2024;14(4):3138-3149. DOI: 10.3390/nursrep14040228.
Oliveira LCLM, Pedreira-Robles G, Pérez-Sáez MJ, Crespo M, Bach-Pascual A, Rubio-Paez S, Curado-Soto T, Rovira-Algara A, Melilli E, Jerez-Roig J, Oriol-Vila E, Quintana Reyes C, Diaz Jurado M, Randall Martins R, Monte Moreira FS, Gouveia Oliveira A. Cross-cultural validation of the Spanish version of the Kidney AlloTransplant Immunosuppressive Therapy Adherence Questionnaire (KATITA-25). Scientific Reports. 2024;14(1):1-9. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-75150-5.
Palau-Costafreda R, Nar-Devi S, Gil-Poisa M, Pajares Manso A, Vela AE, Gutiérrez NO, Escuriet R, Julià M, Graells-Sans A. Beyond the numbers: A phenomenological analysis of women's childbirth experiences. Eur J Midwifery. 2024;8(Oct):1-9. DOI: 10.18332/ejm/191895.
Alcaraz-Vidal L, Escuriet R, Palau-Costafreda R, Leon-Larios F, Robleda G. Midwife-attended planned home births versus planned hospital births in Spain: Maternal and neonatal outcomes. Midwifery. 2024 Set 136:104101. DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2024.104101.
Pedreira-Robles G, Morín-Fraile V, Bach-Pascual A, Graells-Sans A, Garcimartín P. I can't imagine it without my nurse: Experiences of people with chronic kidney disease in the evaluation process as kidney transplant candidates. Res Nurs Health. 2024 Jul 6. DOI: 10.1002/nur.22414.
Pedreira‑Robles G, Garcimartín P, Pérez‑Sáez MJ, Bach‑Pascual A, Crespo M, Morín‑Fraile V. Complex management and descriptive cost analysis of kidney transplant candidates: a descriptive cross-sectional study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2024 Jun 24;24(1):763. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-024-11200-y
Vanroelen C, Padrosa Sayeras E, Gevaert J, Huegaerts K, Vos M, Bosmans K. Precarious employment and mental health in the Belgian service voucher system: the role of working conditions and perceived financial strain. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2024; 97:435-450
Méndez-Rivero F, Matilla-Santander N, Gunn V, Wegman DH, Hernando-Rodriguez JC, Kvart S, Julià M, Kreshpaj B, Bodin T, Hemmingsson T, Muntaner C, Padrosa E, Almroth M. Can psychosocial risk factors mediate the association between precarious employment and mental health problems in Sweden? Results from a register-based study. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2024 Mar 24:4151. DOI: 10.5271/sjweh.4151
Chabrera C, Aldomà M, Bazo-Hernández L, Faro M, Farrés-Tarafa M, Gil-Mateu E, R. Gómez-Ibáñez, R, Insa, E, Medel D, Peñataro-Pintado E, Puiggrós-Binefa A, Rascón C, Sarria-Guerrero J A, Ricart M, Suris C, Fernández P, Rodríguez E. The use of simulation in nursing education programs: a cross-sectional interuniversity study. Nurs Forum. 2024 Feb;2024:1091530. DOI: 10.1155/2024/1091530
Rodríguez-Guerrero LA, Pérez-Urdiales I, Escrig-Piñol A, Jiménez-Lasserrotte MDM, Pastor-Bravo MDM, Mateos JT, Briones-Vozmediano E. Water insecurity among seasonal agriculture workers: perspectives from Spanish professionals. Int J Equity Health. 2024 Feb 16;23(1):31. DOI: 10.1186/s12939-024-02112-8
Muñoz-Villaverde S, Martínez-García M, Serrano-Oviedo L, Gómez-Romero FJ, Sobrado-Sobrado AM, Cidoncha-Moreno MA, Riesgo-Martín J, Pedreira-Robles G, Garcimartin P. Impact of telenurse-led intervention in clinical trials on health literacy, empowerment, and health outcomes in patients with solid tumours: a pilot quasi-experimental study. BMC Nurs. 2024 Feb 2;23(1):86. DOI: 10.1186/s12912-023-01641-x
Arenas-Jiménez MD, Fernández-Martin JL, Galcerán I, Fernández-Chamarro M, Pedreira-Robles G, Collado S, Farrera J, Rodríguez E, Moreno A, Morro L, Crespo M, Pascual J. Diferencias en la elección de la modalidad de diálisis entre inmigrantes y nativos inmigrantes y autóctonos en Barcelona, España. Nefrología 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.nefro.2024.01.003
Marques-Sule E, Hernández-Guillén D, Cezón-Serrano N, Arjona-Tinaut L, Sillero-Sillero A, Sánchez González JL, Cobos-Rincón A, Juárez-Vela R, Muñoz-Gómez E. Effectiveness of a heart disease blended learning program in physiotherapy students: a prospective study. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2023 Nov 22;10:1303997. DOI: 10.3389/fcvm.2023.1303997
Guiomar R, Vasileiadi M, Sobral M, Rezaeian M, Pacheco F, Mateus V, Pozo-Neira J, Palau-Costafreda R, Weidenauer A, Tik M, Moreira H, Ganho-Ávila A, Schuler A-L. TMS for peripartum depression: a meta-analytical study to explore a functional DLPFC target. Brain Stimulation. Volume 16, Issue 1:345. January-February 2023.
Sillero Sillero A, Gil Poisa M, Marques-Sule E, Ayuso Margañon R. Motivations and expectations of generation Z nursing students: A post-pandemic career choice qualitative analysis. J Prof Nurs. 2023 Nov-Dec;49:178-85. DOI: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2023.09.005
Ayuso Margañón R, Llistosella M, Ayuso Margañón S, Rojano Navarro M, Bou Gràcia N, Sillero Sillero A. Nursing practice and telehealth in school health services: a scoping review. Healthcare (Basel). 2023 Dec 8;11(24):3124. DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11243124
Pedreira-Robles G, Bach-Pascual A, Collado-Nieto S, Padilla E, Burballa C, Arias-Cabrales C, Redondo-Pachón D, Sánchez F, Horcajada JP, Pascual J, Crespo M, Villar-García J, Pérez-Sáez MJ. Cribado de infecciones tropicales e importadas en candidatos a trasplante renal migrantes desde la consulta de acceso al trasplante renal. Nefrología 2023 DOI: 10.1016/j.nefro.2023.10.001
Escrig-Piñol A, Gastaldo D, Cortinois AA, McLaughlin J. From Migrant to Transnational Families' Mental Health: An Ethnography of Five Mexican Families Participating in Agricultural Labour in Canada. Social Sciences. 2023 Sep 19;12(9):523. DOI: 10.3390/socsci12090523
Palau-Costafreda R, García Gumiel S, Eles Velasco A, Jansana-Riera A, Orus-Covisa L, Hermida González J, Algarra Ramos M, Canet-Vélez O, Obregón Gutiérrez N, Escuriet R. The first alongside midwifery unit in Spain: A retrospective cohort study of maternal and neonatal outcomes. Birth. 2023 Dec;50(4):1057-1067. DOI: 10.1111/birt.12749
Sillero Sillero A, Gomez Periago I, Ayuso Margañon R, Gil Poisa M, Moreno-Segura N, Fuentes Aparicio L, Marques-Sule E, Pedreira Robles G. The detection of sudden cardiac death sports preparticipation in sports population adult: a narrative review. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2023 Aug;22(Supplement_1). DOI: 10.1093/eurjcn/zvad064.140
Pedreira-Robles G, Garcimartín P, Bach-Pascual A, Giró-Formatger D, Redondo-Pachón D, Morín-Fraile V. Creating the nursing care map in the evaluation of kidney transplant candidates: A scoping review and narrative synthesis. Nurs Open. 2023 Oct;10(10):6668-6689. DOI: 10.1002/nop2.1937
Hernando-Rodriguez JC, Matilla-Santander N, Murley C, Blindow K, Kvart S, Almroth M, Kreshpaj B, Thern E, Badarin K, Muntaner C, Gunn V, Padrosa E, Julià M, Bodin T. Unequal access? Use of sickness absence benefits by precariously employed workers with common mental disorders: a register-based cohort study in Sweden. BMJ Open. 2023;13(7):e072459-e072459. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072459
Sillero Sillero A, Ayuso Margañon R, Gil Poisa M, Buil N, Padrosa E, Insa Calderón E, Marques-Sule E, Alcover Van de Walle C. Moral breakdowns and ethical dilemmas of perioperative nurses during COVID-19: COREQ-compliant study. Healthcare. 2023;11(13):1937. DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11131937
Bosmans K*, Vignola EF*, Álvarez-López V*, Julià M*, Ahonen EQ, Bolíbar M, Gutiérrez-Zamora M, Ivarsson L, Kvart S, Muntaner C, O'Campo P, Ruiz ME, Vänerhagen K, Cuervo I, Davis L, Diaz I, Escrig-Piñol A, Gunn V, Lewchuk W, Östergren PO, Padrosa E, Vílchez D, Vives A, Vos M, Zaupa A, Bodin T, Baron SL. Experiences of insecurity among non-standard workers across different welfare states: a qualitative cross-country study. Soc Sci Med. 2023 Jun;327:115970. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.115970 *The first four authors contributed equally to the manuscript.
Belvis, F, Aleta, A, Padilla-Pozo, Á, Pericás JM, Fernández-Garcia J, Rodríguez J, Eguíluz VM, Novaes De Santana C, Julià M, Benach J. Key epidemiological indicatorsand spatial autocorrelation patterns across five waves of COVID-19 in Catalonia. Sci Rep 2023; 13, 9709.
Wills A, Krassikova A, Keatings M, Escrig-Pinol A, Bethell J, McGilton KS. Assessing the implementation of nurse practitioner-led huddles in long-term care using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). BMC Nurs. 2023;22(1):193. DOI: 10.1186/s12912-023-01354-1
Arenas-Jiménez MD, Fernández-Martin JL, Galcerán I, Fernández-Chamarro M, Pedreira-Robles G, Collado S, Farrera J, Rodríguez E, Moreno A, Morro L, Crespo M, Pascual J. Diferencias en la elección de la modalidad de diálisis entre inmigrantes y nativos inmigrantes y autóctonos en Barcelona, España. Nefrología [Internet]. 2024 Jan [consultat 23 de febrer de 2024]; En curs de publicació. Disponible a: DOI: 10.1016/j.nefro.2024.01.003
Arenas MD, Fernández-Chamarro M, Pedreira-Robles G, Collado S, Farrera J, Galceran I, Barbosa F, Cao H, Moreno A, Morro L, Fernández-Martín JL, Crespo M, Pascual J. Influencia de los determinantes sociales de la salud en la elección de tratamiento renal sustitutivo en la enfermedad renal crónica avanzada: necesidad de un enfoque multidisciplinar. Nefrología [Internet]. 2023 [consultat 26 de febrer de 2024]; En curs de publicació. Disponible a: DOI: 10.1016/j.nefro.2023.04.001
Pedreira-Robles G, Garcimartín P, Sevilla-Guerra S, Bach-Pascual A, García-Martínez M, Morín-Fraile V. Nurse-led clinical activity in kidney transplantation care in Spain: A cross-sectional observational study. J Ren Care. 2023 Mar 12. DOI: 10.1111/jorc.12463
Pedreira-Robles G, Morín-Fraile V, Bach-Pascual A, Redondo-Pachón D, Pérez-Sáez MJ, Crespo M, Falcó-Pegueroles A, Garcimartín P. The role of advanced practice nurses in creating the kidney transplant candidate care map (APN-preKT): a convergent-parallel mixed methods research protocol. BMC Nurs. 2023;22(1):44. DOI: 10.1186/s12912-023-01193-0
Manteiga-Urbón JL, Fernández-Méndez F, Otero-Agra M, Fernández-Méndez M, Santos-Folgar M, Insa-Calderon E, Sobrido-Prieto M, Barcala-Furelos R, Martínez-Isasi S. Brief training of technical bleeding control skills-a pilot study with security forces. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023;20(3):2494. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20032494
Moreno-Segura N, Fuentes-Aparicio L, Fajardo S, Querol-Giner F, Atef H, Sillero-Sillero A, Marques-Sule E. Physical therapists' ethical and moral sensitivity: A STROBE-Compliant cross-sectional study with a special focus on gender differences. Healthcare (Basel). 2023;11(3):333. DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11030333
Cash-Gibson L, Martinez-Herrera E, Escrig-Piñol A, Benach J. Why and how Barcelona has become a health inequalities research hub? A realist explanatory case study. J Crit Realism. 2023;22(1):49-68 DOI: 10.1080/14767430.2022.2095121
Méndez-Rivero F, Pozo OJ, Julià M. Gender differences in the indirect effect of psychosocial work environment in the association of precarious employment and chronic stress: a cross-sectional mediation analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(23):16073. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192316073
Jaramillo NR, Trillos CE, Julià M. The measure of precarious employment and its impact on the mental health of workers: A systematic review 2007-2020. Work. 2022;73(2):639-50. DOI: 10.3233/WOR-210064
Escrig-Piñol A. Broadening our horizons: from migrant mental health to transnational families' mental health. 2022 Jul 26 [consultat 31 d'octubre de 2023]. A: Echoes: a collection of original contributions hosted by the Global Migration and Health Initiative [Internet]. Toronto: Global Migration and Health Inititiave. 2019. Disponible a:
Bosmans K*, Vignola EF*, Álvarez-López V*, Julià M*, Ahonen EQ, Bolíbar M, Gutiérrez-Zamora M, Ivarsson L, Kvart S, Muntaner C, O'Campo P, Ruiz ME, Vänerhagen K, Cuervo I, Davis L, Diaz I, Escrig-Piñol A, Gunn V, Lewchuk W, Östergren PO, Padrosa E, Vílchez D, Vives A, Vos M, Zaupa A, Bodin T, Baron SL. Experiences of insecurity among non-standard workers across different welfare states: a qualitative cross-country study. Soc Sci Med. 2023 Jun;327:115970. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.115970 *The first four authors contributed equally to the manuscript.
Belvis, F, Aleta, A, Padilla-Pozo, Á, Pericás JM, Fernández-Garcia J, Rodríguez J, Eguíluz VM, Novaes De Santana C, Julià M, Benach J. Key epidemiological indicatorsand spatial autocorrelation patterns across five waves of COVID-19 in Catalonia. Sci Rep 2023; 13, 9709.
Wills A, Krassikova A, Keatings M, Escrig-Pinol A, Bethell J, McGilton KS. Assessing the implementation of nurse practitioner-led huddles in long-term care using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). BMC Nurs. 2023;22(1):193. DOI: 10.1186/s12912-023-01354-1
Arenas-Jiménez MD, Fernández-Martin JL, Galcerán I, Fernández-Chamarro M, Pedreira-Robles G, Collado S, Farrera J, Rodríguez E, Moreno A, Morro L, Crespo M, Pascual J. Diferencias en la elección de la modalidad de diálisis entre inmigrantes y nativos inmigrantes y autóctonos en Barcelona, España. Nefrología [Internet]. 2024 Jan [consultat 23 de febrer de 2024]; En curs de publicació. Disponible a: DOI: 10.1016/j.nefro.2024.01.003
Arenas MD, Fernández-Chamarro M, Pedreira-Robles G, Collado S, Farrera J, Galceran I, Barbosa F, Cao H, Moreno A, Morro L, Fernández-Martín JL, Crespo M, Pascual J. Influencia de los determinantes sociales de la salud en la elección de tratamiento renal sustitutivo en la enfermedad renal crónica avanzada: necesidad de un enfoque multidisciplinar. Nefrología [Internet]. 2023 [consultat 26 de febrer de 2024]; En curs de publicació. Disponible a: DOI: 10.1016/j.nefro.2023.04.001
Pedreira-Robles G, Garcimartín P, Sevilla-Guerra S, Bach-Pascual A, García-Martínez M, Morín-Fraile V. Nurse-led clinical activity in kidney transplantation care in Spain: A cross-sectional observational study. J Ren Care. 2023 Mar 12. DOI: 10.1111/jorc.12463
Pedreira-Robles G, Morín-Fraile V, Bach-Pascual A, Redondo-Pachón D, Pérez-Sáez MJ, Crespo M, Falcó-Pegueroles A, Garcimartín P. The role of advanced practice nurses in creating the kidney transplant candidate care map (APN-preKT): a convergent-parallel mixed methods research protocol. BMC Nurs. 2023;22(1):44. DOI: 10.1186/s12912-023-01193-0
Manteiga-Urbón JL, Fernández-Méndez F, Otero-Agra M, Fernández-Méndez M, Santos-Folgar M, Insa-Calderon E, Sobrido-Prieto M, Barcala-Furelos R, Martínez-Isasi S. Brief training of technical bleeding control skills-a pilot study with security forces. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023;20(3):2494. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20032494
Moreno-Segura N, Fuentes-Aparicio L, Fajardo S, Querol-Giner F, Atef H, Sillero-Sillero A, Marques-Sule E. Physical therapists' ethical and moral sensitivity: A STROBE-Compliant cross-sectional study with a special focus on gender differences. Healthcare (Basel). 2023;11(3):333. DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11030333
Cash-Gibson L, Martinez-Herrera E, Escrig-Piñol A, Benach J. Why and how Barcelona has become a health inequalities research hub? A realist explanatory case study. J Crit Realism. 2023;22(1):49-68 DOI: 10.1080/14767430.2022.2095121
Julià M, Méndez-Rivero F, Gómez-Gómez A, Pozo OJ, Bolíbar M. Association between precarious employment and chronic stress: effect of gender, stress measurement and precariousness dimensions-a cross-sectional study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jul 26;19(15):9099. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19159099
Sanclemente-Dalmau M, Galbany-Estragués P, Palomar-Aumatell X, Rubinat-Arnaldo E. Defining competencies for nurse anaesthetists: a Delphi study. J Adv Nurs. 2022 Nov;78(11):3696-3709. DOI: 10.1111/jan.15348
McGilton KS, Krassikova A, Wills A, Durante V, Yeung L, Vellani S, Sidani S, Escrig-Piñol A. Nurse Practitioners navigating the consequences of directives, policies, and recommendations related to the COVID-19 pandemic in long-term care homes. J Appl Gerontol. 2022 Nov;41(11):2296-2306. DOI: 10.1177/07334648221110210
Caroz-Armayones JM, Benach J, Delclós C, Julià M. The double burden of precariousness: linking housing, employment, and perceived stress - a cross-sectional study. Int J Environ Health Res. 2023 Nov;33(11):1102-1111. DOI: 10.1080/09603123.2022.2075330
Gunn V, Vives A, Zaupa A, Hernando-Rodriguez JC, Julià M, Kvart S, Lewchuk W, Padrosa E, Vos MP, Ahonen EQ, Baron S, Bosmans K, Davis L, Díaz I, Matilla-Santander N, Muntaner C, O'Campo P, Östergren PO, Vanroelen C, Vignola EF, Bodin T. Non-standard employment and unemployment during the COVID-19 crisis: economic and health findings from a six-country survey study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 May 11;19(10):5865. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19105865
Padrosa E, Bolíbar M. Disentangling youth non-compliance with COVID-19 restrictions from gender, socioeconomic vulnerability and poor mental health: lessons from the first wave in Catalonia. J Youth Stud. 2023;26(6):786-802. DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2022.2046260
Padrosa E, Vanroelen C, Muntaner C, Benach J, Julià M. Precarious employment and mental health across European welfare states: a gender perspective. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2022 Sep;95(7):1463-1480. DOI: 10.1007/s00420-022-01839-7
Belvis F, Bolíbar M, Benach J, Julià M. Precarious employment and chronic stress: do social support networks matter? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Feb 8;19(3):1909. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19031909
Urrego-Parra HN, Rodriguez-Guerrero LA, Pastells-Peiró R, Mateos-García JT, Gea-Sanchez M, Escrig-Piñol A, Briones-Vozmediano E. The health of migrant agricultural workers in Europe: a scoping review. J Immigr Minor Health. 2022 Dec;24(6):1580-1589. DOI: 10.1007/s10903-022-01330-y
Briones-Vozmediano E, Andrés-Cabello S, Escrig-Piñol A, González-Rodríguez JA, Jiménez-Lasserrotte MDM, Julià-Travería R, Loezar-Hernández M, Tomás Mateos J, Pastells-Peiró R, Pastor-Bravo MDM, Pedreño-Cánovas A, Pérez-Urdiales I. Trabajo agrícola y migración en España: precariedad sociolaboral y salud (Proyecto AGROMISALUD) [Agricultural work and migration in Spain: socio-labour precariousness and health (AGROMISALUD project)]. Gac Sanit. 2022 Jan-Feb;36(1):74-77. DOI: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2021.08.002
Llop-Gironés A, Vračar A, Llop-Gironés G, Benach J, Angeli-Silva L, Jaimez L, Thapa P, Bhatta R, Mahindrakar S, Bontempo Scavo S, Nar Devi S, Barria S, Marcos Alonso S, Julià M. Employment and working conditions of nurses: where and how health inequalities have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic? Hum Resour Health. 2021 Sep 16;19(1):112. DOI: 10.1186/s12960-021-00651-7
Libros, capítulos de libros y volúmenes editados
McAuliffe, C., Abdillahi, I., Joy, K., Escrig-Pinol, A., Odhiambo, A., & Monchalin, R.
Chronicles of Public Health Doctoral Students: Overcoming the Ivory Tower through a Revolution of "Self-Care" for a Better Future. In Critical Perspectives in Public Health Feminisms
Páginas (inicio-final): 292.
Editorial: Canadian Scholars
Año: 2023 -
Gil Poisa, M; Bello Viruega, I.; Juan Moreno, D.
Desafíos transculturales para estudiantes de ciencias de la salud: Una propuesta de proyecto de aprendizaje internacional colaborativo en línea
Editorial: Universidad de Murcia
Año: 2023
Escrig-Pinol, A.
The framing of gender-based violence discourses in mainstream development: from a human rights violation to a development barrier.
Páginas (inicio-final): 93-109
A: Randell S et al., editors. Gender and learning in Rwanda. Sydney.
Editorial: University of Technology Sydney ePRESS;
Año: 2021 -
Randell S, Yerbury H, Escrig-Piñol A, editors.
Gender and learning in Rwanda.
Sydney: University of Technology Sydney ePRESS
Año: 2021
Escrig-Piñol A. Broadening our horizons: from migrant mental health to transnational families' mental health. 26 de juliol de 2022 [consultat 23 de febrer de 2023]. A: Echoes: a collection of original contributions hosted by the Global Migration and Health Initiative [Internet]. Toronto: Global Migration and Health
Llop-Gironés A, Julià M, Vračar A, Llop-Gironés G, Angeli-Silva L, et al. Nurses' health is unfairly affected during the COVID-19 pandemic: a look into the reasons. A: Global health watch 6: In the shadow of the pandemic. 6a ed. London: Bloomsbury Publishing; 2022. p. 57-60
Pardo GS, Del Campo Fernández E, Guillén Martínez D, Ortegón Delgadillo RA, Ayuso Margañón R, Asensio Saiz N, et al. Programa de Educación para la Salud en las Escuelas e Institutos (PESEI) [Internet]. [Girona]: Internacional Association of School Nurses and Health Promotion (ISNA)-Asociación Científica Española de Enfermería y Salud Escolar (ACEESE)-Associació Catalana d'Infermeria i Salut Escolar (ACISE); 2021. [consultat 3 de novembre de 2023]. Disponible a: https://www. images/pdfs/observatorio-nacional/ PESEI_2021-Actualizado.pdf