Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Final Project
The course "Final Project" ["Trabajo de Fin de Grado" (TFG)] is the individual work on a research project on a topic of the interest of the student within the nursing field. This work will be advised by a director with experience in the topic and/or methodology. The TFG is a transversal course with the goal that students build a coherent research project, focused on developing the knowledge area of people's care, key to the nursing discipline.
Students will need to integrate the learnt skills throughout their bachelor studies, demonstrating critical and reflective thinking, a key feature for ESIHMar's pedagogical model. Therefore, the goal of this course is not learning research methodology, but being able to apply it as a learning tool.
This course is taught throughout the 2nd and 3rd quarter of the 4th year of the BS in Nursing, and it includes both trimestral courses understood as a continuum: TFG I and II, with 5 ECTS each.