University Master's Degree in School Nursing and Health (MISE)

Final Project

Final project

The master's final project (Trabajo de Final de Máster - TFM) involves a total of 9 ECTS credits. The TFM consists of the delivery of a written report and its corresponding oral defense, which is carried out before an expert court and in which the student will have to demonstrate the achieved competences.

The purpose of the TFM is to guide students in scientific research, always supported by an adviser. The work requires effort, methodology and maturity. The learning outcomes of the TFM include:

  • Showing that the student has achieved the objectives of the program, knows how to identify the most appropriate techniques and methods for solving the problems posed in the project, and is able to apply them appropriately.
  • Achieving the ability to search, use and understand technical literature or specialized research.
  • Getting to know an active area of ​​current mathematics, statistics or operational research, or its applications.
  • Knowing how to present technical, professional and / or research material both in writing and orally.