University Master's Degree in School Nursing and Health


Edition 7th  
Number of vacancies 30
ECTS credits 60
Modality Blended learning
Place Escola Superior d’Infermeria Hospital del Mar (Campus Universitario Mar)
Dates September 2025 to June 2026

Monday afternoon (in person every 15 days). 5 weeks of Clinical Practices in the second trimester.

Price €3960 + fees
Center in charge Escola Superior d'Infermeria Hospital del Mar (affiliated to Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Endorsement Consell de Col·legis d'Infermeres i Infermers de Catalunya i Associació Nacional e Internacional d'Infermeria (AMECE) 

The University Master's Degree in Nursing and School Health of the Escola Superior d’Infermeria Hospital del Mar, a center affiliated to the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, was awarded with a favorable certification from the Quality Agency of the Catalan University System (AQU) in 2022. With this recognition, ESIHMar-UPF guarantees monitoring of the quality standards that the agency establishes for all universities.

In collaboration with:

General Information

Schools provide the best conditions for the emotional, intellectual, physical and social development of students. It becomes the ideal environment to promote, encourage, and allow the achievement of personal and social skills. That leads to the creation of positive values ​​and attitudes towards health from one's own ability to make personal decisions, participation, and equality, always in agreement with the intellectual, physical and mental development of the child. That is why the schools, being socializing agents, become the ideal place for the Nurse to implement and promote these healthy behaviors in a transversal way, and help us to grow beyond the health of the educational community itself, to favor and allow the development of these skills, not only to healthy children, but also to children with chronic diseases who are in school to normalize their lives and increase their quality of life.

General objective: To provide nursing professionals with pedagogical, research, and management strategies applicable in the school educational community.

Download our brochure here


The program is addressed to people who work or plan to work in the field of school health, including schools, special education centers, city councils, health promotion programs, hospitals with a school, primary care, etc.

Teaching and learning support

Academic management of master's and postgraduate degrees

For further information, you can contact:

Anna López Cortina, secretary of master’s and postgraduate degrees at ESIHMar


Phone: 93 248 39 32
Phone service available:

  • Monday through Thursday: from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Friday: from 1:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.