HIV Nursing Research and Care Group (GRENFIC-VIH)
Scientific output
- Lluva-Castaño, A., Mestres-Camps, L., de-Dios-Sánchez, R., Terradas-Robledo, R. "Campaña de concienciación sobre la infección por VIH: Uso de las TICs como instrumento divulgativo en un campus universitario". Revista Multidisciplinar del SIDA, Vol. 5. No. 10. March 2017.
Leyva-Moral, J. M., Roser Terradas-Robledo, Maria Feijoo-Cid, Rosa de Dios-Sánchez, Lourdes Mestres-Camps, Alicia Lluva-Castaño, Mercè Comas-Serrano."Attitudes to HIV and AIDS among students and faculty in a School of Nursing in Barcelona (Spain): a cross-sectional survey". Collegian (2016).
- 5 May2016. Presentationin poster formatof the paper "Campaña de concienciación sobre la infección por VIH: Uso de las TICs como instrumento divulgativo en un campus universitario", at the 3rd Monographic Meeting "Seeking opportunities for early diagnosis of HIV", organisedby SEISIDA at the Carlos III Health Institute in Madrid.
- Juan M. Leyva-Moral, Rosa de Dios Sánchez, Alicia Lluva-Castaño, Lourdes Mestres-Camps. "Living with constant suffering: A different life following the diagnosis of HIV". Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, Volume 26, Issue 5, pp. 613-624.
6-8 May2015. Presentationin poster formatof the paper: "Una aproximación a las creencias y transiciones de las personas que viven con VIH: explorando las estrategias de gestión de sus tratamientos", and oral presentation of the paper: "Actitudes hacia el cuidado de personas con VIH: a propósito de los estudiantes de enfermería", at the 17th National Congress on AIDS and STIs, organised by SEISIDA inDonosti.
- Participationin the SEISIDA Monographic Meeting, on 26 June 2014 in Madrid, presentingthe paper in poster format "Creencias sobre el VIH-sida: análisis de una realidad subjetiva".
- Presentation of the paper "Creences i transicions de les persones en tractament antiretroviral", at the 2nd Humanistic Nursing and HIV Meeting, 26 November 2014.
- Defence of Masters Degree Final Project. Lourdes Mestres Camps: "Dualitats, mil·ligrams d'esperances i pors. Creences i transicions de les persones que viuen amb tractament antiretroviral".
- Leyva, J.M., Mestres, L., Lluva, A., De Dios, R. (2014). "VIH/sida: Expresión del imaginario de los estudiantes de enfermería a través de la fotografía". Rol de Enfermería, 37 (6): 18-25.
- Audiovisual: "VIH/SIDA: representaciones sociales en estudiantes de enfermería" , presentat a les 1eres Jornades d'Infermeria Humanista i VIH. 11 desembre 2013.
- "Diagnòsticdel VIH. Iniciduna novavida".Àgora d'Infermeria, 2013, 17(2): 68-75 (submission requested by the journal).
- Oral presentation of the paper "La vida tras el diagnóstico de VIH: conviviendo con la incertidumbre constante". SEISIDA/AIDS impact 2013, Barcelona.
- Qualitative Research Committee of the Health and Social Consortium of Catalonia. 26 September 2013. Papers presented:
- a. "Teoria fonamentada: recordatori conceptual i metodològic".
b. "Presentació i discussió dun exemple daplicació de la teoria fonamentada: una nova vida després del diagnòstic del VIH".
- a. "Teoria fonamentada: recordatori conceptual i metodològic".
- Qualitative Research Committee of the Health and Social Consortium of Catalonia. 26 September 2013. Paper presented:
- "Passes a seguir per fer una òptima cerca bibliogràfica destudis qualitatius".
- "HIV Diagnosis: The Processof Starting a New Life". 2nd Meeting on the 2011-2015 Health Plan of Catalonia. Sitges, 1 December 2012.
Doctoral theses in progress
- Alícia Lluva, UAB: "La invisibilitat de la dona en les campanyes publicitàries contra el VIH".
- Lourdes Mestres, UAB: "Una aproximació a les creences i a les transicions de les persones amb VIH en tractament ARV".
Organisation of conferences and scientific meetings
- 8th Meeting on Humanistic Nursing and HIV: HIV management in the time of COVID-19, 25 November 2020, sessió virtual. Click here to read conclusions. Video of the conference.
- 7th Meeting on Humanistic Nursing and HIV: Sex, Drugs and HIV, 27 November 2019, at the Marull Hall in Mar Health Park. Click here to read conclusions.
- 6th Meeting on Humanistic Nursing and HIV: Health promotion and HIV, 28November 2018, at the Marull Hall in Mar Health Park. Click here to read conclusions.
- 5th Meeting on Humanistic Nursing and HIV: HIV and aging, 28November 2017, at the Marull Hall in Mar Health Park. Click here to read conclusions.
- 4th Meeting on Humanistic Nursing and HIV: Women and HIV, 23 November 2016, at the Marull Hall in Mar Health Park. Click here to read conclusions.
- 3rd Meeting on Humanistic Nursing and HIV, 25 November 2015, at the Marull Hall in Mar Health Park. Click here to read conclusions.
- 2nd Meeting on Humanistic Nursing and HIV, 26 November 2014, at the Marull Hall in Mar Health Park. Click here to read conclusions.
- Lecture entitled "El rol de Advanced Practice Nurse en EEUU: la epidemia de VIH como ejemplo", by Professor José Pares-Ávila, of the Betty Irene School of Nursing, UC Davies (Sacramento, USA), 24 March 2014.
- 1st Meeting on Humanistic Nursing and HIV, 11 December 2013, at the Marull Hall in Mar Health Park. Click here to read conclusions.
Scholarships and recognition
- 2014 Santa Madrona University Nursing School Alumni Association, in their 42nd edition, awarded first Santa Madrona prize for research to the paper entitled "Sufrimiento constante: re-construir la vida después del diagnóstico de VIH" by Juan M. Leyva, Rosa de Dios, Alicia Lluva and Lourdes Mestres of GRENFIC-VIH at Mar Nursing School.
- 2011 The Nurses Association of Barcelona awarded a research scholarship to our project (reference PR5392/11) entitled "HIV diagnosis: The process of starting a new life".