Susqual - Work packages

Work Package 1: Quantitative Study. This work package is based on administering questionnaires to students and mentors to analyse the quality of the mentoring received by students, as well as the well-being, support, and working conditions of mentors.
Work Package 2: Qualitative Study. The objective of this work package is to analyse the information generated from conversations with students, mentors, and nursing coordinators using two qualitative methods: semi-structured interviews and the 'Emojional Calendar.'
Work Package 3: Scoping review. This work package is dedicated to conducting a scoping review of the existing literature related to current clinical practicum models in nursing studies and other health studies worldwide.
Work Package 4: Delphi Study. In this work package, valuable conclusions will be drawn regarding the feasibility and characteristics of a new practicum model in the Spanish context. This will be achieved through anonymous interaction, feedback, and consensus with experts and stakeholders of health and education systems.