Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing
Third language accreditation
General information
Law 1/2018 of the Generalitat of Catalonia, published in DOGC 7615, states in its sole article, point 1: "Students commencing university degree studies at a Catalan university in 2018-2019 and subsequent academic years must, on completion of their studies, provide evidence of knowledge of one of the foreign languages established in the university entrance examinations (PAU), to a standard equivalent to B2 in the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)."
According to this law, in order to obtain their degree, students must prove competence in a third language from among those established in the university entrance examinations, which are currently English, French, German and Italian.
Achievement of competence in a third language must be proven with a level B2 certificate (understood as completion of level B2.2) or higher in the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference.
Level B2 is the fourth level of communicative competence established by the Council of Europe in foreign language learning, on a scale of six levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2), and attests an advanced level of language proficiency, which permits its use effectively and fluently, both orally and in writing, in normal communicative conditions.
Consult Law 1/2018, DOGC 7615 of 8 May, amending Law 2/2014, on Fiscal, Administrative, Financial and Public Sector Measures.
How to apply
In order to attest knowledge of a third language with a level B2.2 certificate or higher in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), you must submit the Application for Accreditation of a Third Language in person at the ESIMar office, together with the supporting documentation.
Original and photocopy of the certificate accrediting the level in the language.
Throughout the academic year.
Check the table of language certificates passed by the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia (CIC): Resolution EMC/1138/2019, of 29 April, on Accreditation, with the list of recognised certificates.
Training to obtain the level certificate
Training at Pompeu Fabra University
By taking the courses and/or accreditation examinations offered by Idiomes UPF you can obtain your language certificate and meet the B2 requirement (if you take a course in English, German, French or Italian to level B2 or higher).
Further information on courses and accreditation exams at: Idiomes UPF
Courses at other Catalan universities and official language schools
The language schools and language services of the Catalan universities, and also the official language schools, offer a wide range of courses to attain level B2.
Further information about the courses
Official examinations and certificates
The Catalan universities hold many examinations leading to official certificates of language proficiency, including CLUC and other certificates.
Further information about exams and certificates
The Catalan government's Universities and Research Secretariat has created the Parla3 Programme to enable bachelor's degree students to be eligible for grants to obtain a certificate via the examinations held by CLUC, the official language schools and the Catalan universities, and to take courses in English, French, German or Italian.
For further information about grants and scholarship see the portal Aprenc idiomes